Ahmad Arif Masdar Hilmy


This research is a document research that discussed and analyzed about the disparity in the minimum age limit of marriage in Article 15 of the Indonesian Islamic Law by using the theory of malaah Sa'īd Raman al-Būi. This research became urgent in order to increase khazanah of science which is progressive and also opened insight into the opportunities for new thoughts, regarding the absence of rules in the disparity of minimum age limits of marriage for men and women in Islamic law. The data of this study were collected through the documentation method. After that, the reading was done on the text (text reading) and then the texts were analyzed. The result showed that the disparity in the minimum age limit of marriage in Article 15 KHI was based on consideration of the benefit of the family and household. The conclusion of the author's brief research was that the substance contained in Article 15 of the KHI concerning about the disparity in the minimum age limit of marriage for men and women included the benefits of parenting (mental, spiritual, financial and physical), social balance, and responsibility of marriage. The disparity in the minimum age limit of marriage in Article 15 of the KHI was a benefit if it was reviewed by using the theory malaah from Sa'īd Ramaān al-Būi, because it had fulfilled five conditions, which were maslaah must be within the scope of the Shari'ah objectives, does not contradict to The Qur'an, does not contradict with the Sunnah, does not contradict with Qiyas, and does not contradict with the more urgent malaah.


Disparity in Age Limit of Marriage; Compilation Islamic Law; Boundary of Maṣlaḥah Theory from Sa’īd Ramaḍān al-Būṭi

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33852/jurnalin.v3i1.123


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