Jurnal Islam Nusantara, published by Lembaga Ta'lif wan Nasyir (LTN) PBNU Jakarta, Indonesia, is an open-access scholarly journal that publishes peer-reviewed studies of religious thought and practice. Its main aim is to spread critical and original analysis from researchers and academic practitioners on various contemporary Islamic Thought issues, a cross-perspective based on the Islam Nusantara approach.
The Journal emphasizes various contemporary Islamic thought issues from a cross-perspective point of view based on Islam Nusantara's approach. Its scope consists of (1) Al-Qur’an and Hadits, (2) Theology, (3) Islamic mysticism, (4) Islamic Education and Management, (5) Islamic Law, (6) Islamic Economics, (7) Islamic art and history, and (8) philosophy. All submitted papers are subject to the double-blind review process.
We invite researchers and academic practitioners on various contemporary Islamic thought issues to submit their critical writings and contribute to the development of Islamic thought.
Vol 8, No 2 (2024)
Table of Contents
Ahmad Fawaid, Intan Nur Aini
Moh Affan
Muhammad Furqan MD, Hamidullah Mahmud
Mamluatul Hasanah, Lutviyah Romziana
Hartinah Hartinah, Suhardi Aras, Moch Nur Syawalludin Nugroho, Mutmainna Mutmainna, Lili Septiani Jafar
Shindid Gunagraha, Kholilurrahman Kholilurrahman
Misroji Misroji